Thursday 7 March 2013

Newcastle Bride Feature

Last month I was lucky enough to be selected to have a business profile done by Newcastle Bride.
If you would llike to have a look it can be found at the following link.

Friday 1 March 2013

Newcastle Regional Show 2013

Well I am very very happy to say that this year's hard work definitely paid off with
1st Place in the Modern Brides Open Class and the
Mavis Mepham Special Award
so with 2 new trophies and 2 new ribbons to add ot the collection I thought I would share my show cake journey with you all.

In 2012 I entered the Icing and Decorating Competition at the Newcastle Regional Show for the first time. I had not been to the show since I was about 17 and had never seen the cookery display so I had absolutely no idea what I was up against or what was required to get a placing in the show.
I created a white and gold 4 tier wedding cake with as many decorating elements in it as I could fit. There was piping, draping, brush embroidery, frills and a simple single rose on the top. It was gold... it was very gold.... and as a result I actually lost marks because of this but was elated to find out that I had won first place in the novice category as well as the Jean McKay Memorial prize and Best Novice exhibit in the show.
The novice category is for anyone who has not previously entered the show or not previously won the novice category so after my win it put me straight up into the open class for 2013.
I also entered a novelty cake with a 5 tier rocket ship that also also won 1st place in the Novice Novelty category. Needless to say it was a good year as far as the show was concerned.
What bothered me though was the fact that I did not like my wedding cake entry. It wasn't me and it wasn't my style, it was just what I thought the judges would score me well on. When the show was coming around this year I was determined to do something I loved and that's what I set out to do and achieved.

2012 Show Entries

I am very inspired by the vintage theme at the moment and this was what I decided to go with. I also had big plans for a novelty cake this year but I know how I want it and knew that time was not on my side so it's on the back burner for 2014...
I designed my cake, found the inspiration I needed and absiolutely stuck to the plan. I only started the cake 5 days before the entries had to be in so it was a busy week but amazingly I was finished and happy with it (which is a big call for by 7:30pm the night before.
Knowing I was entering the open class this year I had no idea if I would get a place or not. My goal was not to win but to enter a cake that I loved, something I was happy with and something that reflected who I am and my style of work. Don't get me wrong winning was greatly appreciated......
A doily was a must, it is the first thing I think of when I think vintage and I wanted it hand piped - no stencilling and no sugarveil just old fashioned piping. It wasn't as painful as I had anticipated (other than the aching wrist after 3 hours of piping).

The birds were brush embroidered and the bottom tier was quilted, frilled and hand painted.
The pearls were inspired by a set of pearls that my daughter has and they had to look 'real' - I was happy with how they turned out.
The flower on the top.... that was the biggest decision, I searched for something to compliment the theme of the cake and finally cake across this flower in a silk version. I bought it, pulled it apart, worked out how to make it, dusted it all in the right colours and it was done. The leaved and berries just finished it off nicely.

I am eager to find out what the judges had to say when I pick up my report and see what areas they think need improving. I am relatively new to the whole competition side of thing... I am relatively new to the whole industry really so I am still learning what the judges are looking for.
So what will 2014 bring?????? That I can not reveal..... all I can say is that I have a plan in my head that hopefully like this year I will execute as stress free as this years entry has been and be just as happy with it..... You may even see my novelty entry in the 2014 show..... Maybe!!!